The Top 10 Emojis Guys Use When They Love You

what does this emoji mean 😘 from a guy

what does this emoji mean 😘 from a guy - win

Player/Analyst Tweets & Other Things - PLAYOFFS - TSM vs GG

Edit: Done for now (1hr after game), will check back again later. 😞 Added Treatz/BB/dl tweet if you guys missed it.
e2: Bjerg Tweet added
See you guys Saturday :/ Unfortunate.


Rogue Esports (LEC):
Golden Guardians (Twitter):
TSM (Twitter):
LCS Analyst Desk
Empyre (EG Analyst & Scout):
Rogue (GM) Tomislav:
IWD Notes by DuSundavr



LS w/ SK Crownshot & Fnatic Nemesis
  • Nemesis - Akali ban because of the buffs, Zil ban against Bjerg.
  • LS - Suprised TSM banned GP. Hauntzer can't play it.
  • LS - Picking Thresh is a self-counterpick. Awkward lane is GG pick Ashe. (They picked Ashe).
  • Nemesis - Voli lost 2-4% wr with the nerfs.
  • LS - "Ooooooh" in response to the Ziggs picks. GG is in a not-bad spot in draft. Long range.
  • LS - Shocked by the Morde Pick. So many better picks than Morde for the last pick. Thinks Neeko would've been good.
  • LS Predicts TSM 3-0 the series
Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Sneaky - Surprised they haven't been swapping between Bio and Treatz.
  • Meteos - Morg takeaway from the Caitlyn first pick is troll as hell.
  • Meteos - Wanted to see Evelynn. She's actually broken. Used to have a problem dueling but now she can.
GGS Coach Inero on Draft Game 1:


Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Meteos - Hauntzer felt safe because his jungler was nearby. (Successful FB gank top on Hauntzer)
  • Sneaky - Wants to see the Manamune on Ashe, Meteos like the potential IE/ER on Ashe. (~8)
  • Meteos - Treatz not going mobis doesn't feel nearly as threatening.
  • Huge play by TSM (~11:50 Drag). Got a kill, dragon steal, and gold from Herald.
  • Meteos - Cait needs to do well early or she's going to have a period in the mid game where her damage just really sucks ass. (~11:40)
  • Sneaky - Game is a lot harder since Hauntzer died early
  • Meteos - First gank by Spica was really well played. Wards the red and then hops to golems. Sees Closer pathing up and knows exactly how much time he has to make this play top. (going over during long pause)
  • Probably figured Sett wouldn't be at raptors since Sett doesn't do raptors well. Initial intent was to steal raptors but he saw Sett there so he went for the top play. Good thinking by Spica.
  • Meteos - Jensen is DDOSing this match. Sneaky - Why would he DDOS this match? Meteos - IDK. He just likes doing it for fun.
  • Meteos reading guy in chat: "To prevent the Bjergsen MVP"
  • Sneaky - TSM fighting here at drag would be kind of rough since Cait still only has 25% crit which is pretty bad. (~21:40)
  • Shen had ult for Cait that entire time. (4th drag fight)
  • Meteos - A lot of NA team just default to grouping mid, getting baron river vision and just randomly hitting baron when they don't know what to do next. Says he participated in that a couple of times as well.(~24)
  • Seems really hard for GG since they're up against 4 merc treads, QSS, mikaels (~26min)
  • Sneaky - Can't believe Ziggs ulted BB when he got arrowed. Waste. (26:30, TSM get the drag and Closer's life) Meteos agrees the Ziggs ult was really troll. Thinks that the comms from GG were like "we can't let them have drag here!" and that's when disaster hits.
  • Sneaky/Meteos - BB didn't accomplish much in the mid fight. Fight got really awkward when Bjerg got binded and BB taunted nobody. (Mid blunder into Baron)
  • Meteos - GG just win. WTF, Morde is not balanced at all. (~31:30)
  • Meteos - Brokenblade really didn't play that mid fight well. Although, he didn't really have many good options. FBI had a really big dick flash in.
  • Sneaky - Doublelift just netted into Mordekaiser. Also Treatz flayed Hauntzer out of DL's trap.
  • Meteos - these plays are easy to criticize in hindsight but I think we couldn't really make the right play in the moment.
LS w/ Crownie & Nemesis:
  • LS what about Hecarim top? They should've picked Hec top. (GG)
  • Nemesis - Leesin pathing got caught by the hawkshot ~ Should be able to track him for the next minute.(2:40)
  • LS - Surprised GG didn't cheater around ~3:30
  • Nemesis/Crownie - Cheater is worse with TP and they saw Lee Sin on the opposite side. LS thinks it would've been fine to get cull and stay in lane.
  • Crownie - Cait/Thresh are capable of one shotting waves. Morg Ashe are playing the lane wrong so far. (~6:50)
  • LS - Drag steal by Spica and rift getting all those plates is MASSIVE for TSM. Game seems doomed for GG. (~12min).
  • Nemesis - TSM already have 4 mr items at 15min and LS says TSM's team doesn't like building MR early "h'ooookaayy"
  • Nemesis asks LS about the early MR items since he came back. "What happened LS?"
  • LS - Yeah. Looks like they're actually itemizing good. Thinks this MR itemization is happening really early but that's because they're ahead.
  • LS - Scrims are different from stage. You don't have the mental capability to change the fact that there is now something on the line vs something not on the line. You're naturally more reckless in scrims. Willingness to experiment goes up and you're more willing to take fights. It's just a natural thing that happens. (Watching GGS's show during break).
  • LS - GG are probably going to win now that TSM blundered the mid fight and gave GG baron. Thinks this because the baron buff will naturally translate into Ocean soul.
  • This isn't a pause, GGS just ffed. (3rd drag pause)


  • TSM right now #LCS (That escalated quickly.gif)
  • What a turnaround from Golden Guardians! That game went from TSM dominating to TSMs next exploding in about 2 minutes flat! Interested to see how TSM will look in game 2 after what has to be an absolutely TILTing loss. #LCS
  • hauntzer mvp from game 1 for sure
  • If only there was some way to escape morde ulti. thinking emoji
  • I think Mordekaiser is fed.
  • Damn, what a spicy fight. FBI flash forward for the Bjergsen kill was big.
  • Underrated part of that game: The only player who can realistically break Black Shield is Bjergsen. Otherwise FBI can straight up ignore the TSM frontline. Really, really big deal in that fight.
  • FBI is a fucking god. Solo won that fight (I know, binding was sick, hauntzer played well.)
  • Travis Gafford: Solo plays for FlyQuest....
  • someone didn't pay their QSS tax
Golden Guardians (Twitter):
  • First LCS Ziggs win since 2016 - It's Tanner Time @Damonte
  • damwho gaming? not so top esports? Gwho esports? Golden Guardians are going to fly to Shanghai and bring back the Summoner's Cup to where it was made.
Hatrixx (Excel Mid):
  • If Damonte has a million fans, i am one of them . if Damonte has ten fans, i am one of them. if Damonte only has one fan, thats me. if Damonte has no fans, that means i am no longer on this earth . if the world is against the Damonte, i am against the world
  • There is way too much downtime inbetween LCS Games, I understand we need the casters analysis but it feels weird when the analysis is longer than the game.
  • Azael: It's literally a set amount of time that's the same every game (barring tech issues), which is to give the players time to use the bathroom, get food, discuss changes etc. It's nothing to do w/ casters wanting to talk lol
  • Sorry, maybe i phrased it wrong i didn't mean to say that it's for the casters, i moreso meant theres too much downtime where all we see as the viewers is the casters talking and it usually seems pretty repetitive because theres only so much you can talk about postgame
  • When does the next game start? Omg...
Meteos & Sneaky:
  • Meteos - they took Thresh into Morg. I think it's not a straight up counter pick but you're not winning. Why not Lux/Nami? Optimizes the Cait pick.
  • Sneaky - Doesn't even need to shit on lane. Just needs to go even to become a monster. Thresh doesn't really help her go even. Lux would've been soo much pressure. Meteos agrees.
  • Sneaky - Lulu Cait would've be fine too. Not amazing but fine. Lulu doesn't have a set-up for trap but Cait's dmg goes up.



LS w/ SK Crownshot & Fnatic Nemesis & Sanchovies
  • LS - Ready for the salty run back?
  • Crownie - The Bard is better than Thresh
  • Nemesis - Here comes the B4 Leesin. TAKE IT AWAY
  • Crownie - TSM's comp is generally the same.
  • LS - GG hard win the draft.
Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Both sides keeping the same sides.
  • Meteos - Casters are saying Cait Zyra. I think Zyra is a completely shit champion. She doesn't do anyting. Just a laning phase champ. Cds are long. Immobile and Squishy.
  • Sneaky - For sure, I think Lux is the pick.
  • Meteos - Zyra is the worst champ in the game right now...
  • Meteos - Bard is a much better pick!
  • Sneaky - Cait Bard is all about the level 6 timing early on. Ashe should be able to solo pressure this lane.


Sneaky & Meteos
  • Sneaky - Doesn't think the Doran's shield is correct. Cull or Dorans is fine. You heal off autos, you're not just sitting back.
  • Meteos - Hawkshot is so broken, you can't mindgame the other jungler.
  • Sneaky - GG look really good unlike last game. They were bad until they weren't (7:30)
  • Sneaky - Looks like a team gap here (~8:25, Bjerg dies)
  • Meteos - Bjerg positioning was really weird. E didn't take him towards base. Good for him to save flash since he would've died no matter what.
  • Meteos - GG shouldn't have contested TSM's herald. It's a useless herald with no good targets for TSM to use it on. Ashe could've went bot and got free first tier turret. (Herald Fight ~15:50)
  • Sneaky - Hauntzer is kind of running it down for TSM (~21)
  • Sneaky - Ashe keeps missing arrows. Meteos - It's the short cd, fk it. She has cloud too.
  • Sneaky/Meteos - Spica stealing potential soul is huge but GG can potentially get Baron.
  • Coordination between DL & Treatz was off when DL got arrowed. DL could've taken portal. (~30)
  • Fights are TSM favored from this point on (38:30). Look at Bjerg's item- nvm they got backdoored with triple TP.
LS & Co.
  • Nemesis - How is GP losing to Ornn this hard? (~4)
  • Nemesis - What was that facecheck from Treatz? (4:20) Late flash too.
  • LS - TSM lose this game. Diffy in the Driffy. Ashe didn't even have to flash since they have GP ult.
  • LS - Game is over, what is BB even doing? (~12:30 engage onto Sett top) GG win and might 3-0
  • LS - Ziggs/Xerath/Vel'koz. The future of mid lane. So good. (~20:20)
  • LS - GG currently 5k ahead with the drags value. Thinks GG team comp is better too. Lee should've built Youmuus (22)
  • Nemesis talking about matchup mid - Ziggs wins early but uses more mana. LS agrees that it is Ziggs favored.
  • LS - Hauntzer's GP is bad. If he kited backwards instead of into TSM's team. GG win that 5v4. (~31min baron fight)
  • Crownshot - (Spica takes 6th drag, GG take Baron) it's troll for Treatz not to be in pit with DL. People are going to blame DL for positioning but Treatz should be in pit to portal people out.
  • LS dies laughing at the webcams glitching out for GG ~36:30
  • Nemesis still thinks GG win despite being aced in TSM's base. LS agrees due to comp diff.
  • LS - TSM can't draft for their lives... GG (triple backdoored)
  • bjergsen is carrying this game so hard holy shit. spica too. dlift is really not having a good game.
  • Huhi's black shields have been nice. fbi is a monster. this set has been v exciting so far.
  • fleet cait :puke:
  • Selfmade: she clearly needs lethal tempo to hit 4 ranged champions ure right veigar
  • stop ratioing me fleet is good here im just memeing it


TSM Report:
  • We cant stop the backdoor in time and now we look to start the reverse sweep in game 3
Golden Guardians:
  • That's 2-0! A clean teleport backdoor puts us at match point vs @TSM in the first round of #LCS Playoffs! One more game - let's wrap this up. #GGWIN
  • ROFL @GoldenGuardians WITH THE TRIPLE TP END CALL!! They go up 2-0 against @TSM in our first playoff series! #LCS
  • how broken is ziggs
  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY????????????? as expected it's a 209 set thanks to big bot difference... wait a sec...
  • This is enough of a runback to be considered salty IMO
  • Well, congrats on winning @GoldenGuardians. There's no way that @TSM come back from an 0-2. #LCS
  • Hahaha our CLG Season 2 Worlds Triple TP Secret Strat has been passed down 8 years later to Golden Guardians with that spicy backdoor finish
  • GGS is too good or what
  • Phreak: Better hope TL picks them in round 2
  • At least GG didn't try to satchel charge the nexus KEKW
Empyre (EG Analyst):
  • Bot diff is proving to be a bit big in this series #LCS
  • TSM down 0-2 but the games have been close even with different TSM individuals playing badly. Next one will be telling assuming TSM adapts their botlane picks and what GG is trying to do to counter Azir-Caitlyn in draft.
Meteos & Sneaky:
  • Spica Bjergsen & Hauntzer(lol) are the only people playing good on TSM. It seems like a huge bot lane gap. Grand Canyon Gap.
  • Well, congrats on making the next round @GoldenGuardians . There's no way that @TSM come back from an 0-2. #LCS
  • A lot of people are clowning on TSM but that the game is unwinnable if there is ever a ward inside their base. The nexus instantly falls without the ability to respond vs. 3 TP with Ziggs and one turret dead. It's checkmate if GG are smart.
  • I thought TSM were supposed to be good. ???
  • Phreak: Frosk you've cast Worlds. You know they aren't.
  • Respect to TSM for keeping a solid team identity trading Soul for their nexus in 2 out of their last 3 games.
  • Glad to see ziggs having so much success. Him/Xerath/Vel'Koz have been the future of mid lane for almost a year...
  • Crumbz is right - I don’t understand why TSM isn’t opting for an enchanter into a 1-2 Morg blind; the only reason I could see is them being scared of a morg flex in some way which sounds really unlikely to me
  • Karma > Lulu
  • This is the only first round playoff series I thought could go the way of an upset - BUT - I fully did not expect us to be sitting on a 2-0 for @GoldenGuardians on the way to making that happen. The whole team has shown up at different moments, but none more than @VictorHuang !



LS w/ SK Crownshot & Fnatic Nemesis
  • TSM bans Morg LS: TSM are going to win every game now.
  • LS: There it is. Sett Thresh. There it is.
  • LS: Blitz would be good for GG since it destroys Sett's Shield. GG lock in Tahm WHAATTTT. I gotta go to the bathroom.....
  • Nemesis: Ok the Ashe is an answer to the Cait.
  • Sanch: Why did GG reverse the adcs?
  • Nemesis: They probably feel like they're better on both Ashe and Cait.
  • Nemesis: Noooo why Nid? So it's Sett mid blind...
  • LS: This makes it a really good Morde game. Hauntzer locks in Morde
  • LS doesn't like the Ori since she gets outranged by Nidalee/Ashe.
  • the GP pick here reminds LS of the TL game. It doesn't work well with the rest of his teammates.
  • Nemesis: Why?
  • LS: Doesn't like Sett, Nidalee does what with GP? Ashe/Thresh don't feel ideal to synergize with him.
  • Nemesis/LS - GG won draft.
Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Ori is a good common blind.
  • TSM have to lane kingdom. They're really relying on Spica to carry this game.
  • Spica is known as a Nidalee/Graves player. So we'll see... It'll depend on the Jungle gap.
  • tsm should go nida on 3 and jinx on 4
  • retweets: Tsm botlane drafting is turbo autofilled level
  • So this is risky because TSM is putting their best player on a bruisetank, but it does give TSM 3 winning lanes and a lot of agency. Remember GG relies on snowballing games, so TSM is trying to counteract that instead of playing the scaling game.
  • TSM’s draft isn’t bad by any means, they adhere to normal P/B rules and the picks make sense; it’s just the bot lane hole has to be stuffed. I’d keep Cait blind, ban Ziggs in 4-5 and run the comp back after exchanging Bard for Karma (albeit Bard can be fine, just not ideal).
  • 2-1, think TSM’s draft if they can play their champs is a lot better, GGs is not supposed to create a lead anywhere on the map; I hope Bjerg and Spica can execute their champs, their mid 2v2 is insane
  • Wtf TSM forgot to pick a mid laner
  • How is RGE supposed to beat TSM if they never make it to worlds?
  • RGE: We believe


Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Bjerg is really punishing Damonte's cull first item. (3:20)
  • GP is going to be TSM's only advantage. ~19:30 Cloud dragon map actually saves TSM from Morde destroying them in that fight by Baron.
  • TSM showing signs of life at cloud soul with the double kill but they stack on drag so that Closer can fuck their Moms. Bjerg did his best to try and zone Closer. (Cloud soul fight)
LS & Co.
  • Morde flash is traded for Bjerg's ghost. That's a good trade for TSM.
  • Doublelift is losing really hard in CS what? (5min)
  • Crownshot/Nemesis: It's a really hard losing lane.
  • Nemesis: TSM can't kill anyone here. Big disaster for TSM. (drag fight)
  • LS/Crownshot: DL DIDN'T BUY. IT'S OVER.
  • Everyone: It's actually over. no joke. Plus they're tilting them with Teemo emotes.
  • Everyone: Comp imbalance and mistakes. Absolutely over.
  • DL TPs back to lane with just boots? Second time he's TP'd to lane without items...........
  • This game is a disaster
C9 Westrice:
  • its actually a draft kingdom. GOOD JOB @inero
LS (Twitter):
  • Holy shit... DoubleLift failed to buy BF sword during his teleport. This lane is so over.
  • Dash: 🤯 BOOM 🤯
  • Think this game is over. Despite it only being about a 3k dif, the draft imbalance is so big. Really doomed for TSM sadly. I don't know how they win outside of miracle GP fighting (~18min)
  • Can't lose to shopkeeper if you don't buy!
  • Yikes!
  • FBI intimidated Dlift into forgetting to buy. huge brain
  • Wait, what is this TSM comp in game 3? They have 0 reliable AP damage? Am I missing something?
  • Yikes
  • GG 3-0! (18min)
TL Dodo:
  • Damn Huhi's been smurfing on support lately
Travis Gafford:
  • I’m not a fan of any region or team, I am just a fan of whoever is playing the best League of Legends in the world. And right now, that just happens to be Golden Guardians.
Nicole LaPointe Jameson (EG Owner):
  • GoldenGuardians is going to worlds



  • Gg we should have played better today, happy for my brother @closerlol❤️
  • Closer: Kral BB ♥
  • Guess we gotta do the G2 lower bracket run...
  • I played like shit and all I can say is I'll do a lot better in the next round
  • Really poor performance from me today, we will regroup and come back stronger for the next series. GGS played well and was clearly the better team today 👏
  • GGWP @GoldenGuardians
TSM Report:
  • Tough day, GGs
  • sad will smith with memes
  • Big love to all the TSM fans who support the team through thick and thin. You're the actual best. I appreciate you.


  • 🙂
  • Jack: 😎
  • TL: Lol
C9 Westrice:
  • But @GoldenGuardians is so hot right now
  • Daaaaaaaaamn, Golden Guardians just trashed TSM. What a stomp
*tweets clip of Azael saying TSM is the best midlaner on the Dive
  • Azael: GGWP! Bjergsen was still a beast this series, but you played very well & as I said right before that if you can neutralize him yall could upset!
  • Nerf aussies btw
  • So in case you forgot... Rogue > TSM #GoRogue
  • Prove us wrong in the Loser Bracket
C9 Jack:
  • Congrats @GoldenGuardians on your historic first playoff series win over @TSM ! #LCS
  • GOLDEN GODS, GG @TSM GG kardesim @TSMBrokenblade
  • Destekleriniz için hepinize çok teşekkür ederim arkadaşlar
  • Imagine what would happen if we actually win drafts aswell @inero
  • TSM's botlane was so outclassed this series, really sad to see
  • That was a total and complete bot diff #LCS
GG Becca:
  • holy shit @GoldenGuardians just 3-0'd TSM in playoffs that's sick
  • FBi & Huhi kinda pisssmurfed that series
Golden Guardians:
  • And that's it! We 3-0 @TSM and move on to the Second Round of #LCS Playoffs! This is our first ever playoff win and we're not stopping here - we won't be happy until we lock in our spot to worlds. Thanks to all the fans and we'll be back next week for Round 2! #GGWIN
GG Huhi:
  • first step is done well. Proud of my teammates!! GGWP
  • Why does the best ADC (@VictorHuang) in NA only have 2k followers...?!
  • tweets a picture of a QSS
  • DL: Actually, one time we were playing against Golden Guardians, and it was 2-0 to GG. We were playing Ashe, they were playing Caitlyn and Bjergsen said: Guys, if we think we are good, let's prove it now, 2-0" Regi: "Did we come back?" DL: "of course not. 3-0"
  • TSM emote from @Damonte I see you
Emily Rand:
  • Golden Guardian Gamers
  • did tsm wonnered?
  • :o
  • FBI making Doublelift look like he's the DMV.
GG Inero:
  • FBI OPEN UP! See you soon @Impact
  • Dardoch has a chance to knock out TSM for the year on Saturday. FRONT ROW SEATS still available. Don't miss out!
  • Helal kardesim @closerlol
  • Closer: Helaalllll
  • Golden Guardians is a Bo5 away from making Worlds Anyone know what time it is by any chance?
C9 Mateus (C9 social media):
  • praying for the TSM subreddit mods today lit candle emoji
GG Hauntzer:
C9A Diamond:
  • fbi is a bit tooooooooooooo good
Incredible performance from Golden Guardians who really stepped up across the board to get their first playoff series win in franchise history and SWEEP TSM! FBI was incredible, but Huhi & Hauntzer were the biggest difference makers for me in this one! GGWP!#LCS
  • Can somebody tell me why Tsm never picked karma into morg and then chose to ban it
  • Zaboutine: wondering as well
  • I wish I can tell you, the match up is unplayable and u can even take cleanse
  • Phreak: Matchup is a big win, but Karma got super heavy nerfs. She's so bad Morgana still comes out winning the game even if the lane is tougher.
  • What makes her bad tho, I feel that cait usually wants to perma push and poke under tower and karma matches that perfect. Karma can also utilize cruicble way better than thresh/bard and her aoe shields still bring a lot to a team fight especially against ziggs
  • Inner Flame mana cost / CD are relevant factors. If you aren't able to spam enough to push back against Ashe/Morg push it's just bg.
  • Stunt: Lux
GG GM Danan:
  • so damn proud of everyone. time for a well-deserved day off before getting back to the grind. GGWP @TSM
  • TSM had 2/3 really bad drafts, but it isn't solely why they lose. Today just seemed really really off and GGs played well above expectations. In game 2/3 game can be decided by 15min if TSM doesnt get leads.
  • Dardoch has a chance to knock out TSM for the year on Saturday. FRONT ROW SEATS still available. Don't miss out!
Tim Sevenhuysen (OraclesElixir Founder):
  • I wanted to see TSM handshake the bot lane and win through Broken Blade. Instead, they drafted BB onto Shen, Ornn, and Gangplank. All three are good at helping bot lane. TSM were never going to win through bot lane against FBI and huhi. Poor game planning by TSM, IMO. #LCS
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 Anime I’ve Watched 
—————————————————————— 2020 Anime WatchList (Started Feb 13th)
-High School DxD 🥰 (Seasons 1 / 2 / 3 / 4)
-Hensuki : Are You Willing To Fall In Love With A Pervert As Long As She’s A Cutie 🖤
-Harukana Receive 😘
-My First Girlfriend Is A Gal 😘
-And You Thought There Is Never A Girl Online? 🖤
-Boku No Hero Academia 💚 (Seasons 1 / 2 / 3 / 4)
-Boku no Hero Academia : Two Hero’s 🥰
-Boku No Hero Academia : Hero’s Rising 💜
-How Heavy Are The Dumbells You Lift 😍
-ID: Invaded 🖤
-Assassination Classroom💚 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime 💚
-Angel Beats! 🖤
-The Helpful Fox Senko-san 🥰
-How Not To Summon A Demon Lord 😍
-Dr Stone 💜
-Zombie Land Saga 😛
-The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K. 😘
-Akashic Records Of Bastard Magic Instructor 😍
-Yu-Gi-Oh 🥰 (Seasons 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5)
-Yu-Gi-Oh : The Dark Side Of Dimensions 😘
-Tokyo Ghoul / Season 1 🥰
-Attack On Titan 🥰 (Seasons 1 / 2 / 3)
-One Punch Man 🥰 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Steins; Gate Season 2 😘
-Ace Attorney Season 2 😍
-Miss Kobayshi’s Dragon Maid 🥰
-Gamers! 🤨
-Koro Sensei Quest 😛
-Seven Mortal Sins 😛
-Darling In The FRANXX 💚
-NEW GAME!! 🖤 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Kill La Kill 🥰
-Recovery Of An MMO Junkie 🤨
-HighSchool Of The Dead 😍 —————
-No Game No Life 💚
-No Game No Life : Zero 😘
-Keijo!!!!!!!! 🖤
-Date-A-Live 🖤 (Seasons 1 / 2 / 3)
-Didn’t I Say To Make My Abilities Average In The Next Life?! 💜
-Monster Monsume : Everyday Life With Monster Girls 😍
-Food Wars! 🖤 (Seasons 1 / 2 / 3)
-After School Dice Club 🖤
-My Girlfriend Is ShoBitch 🥰
-KonoSuba : Gods Blessing On This Wonderful World! 💜 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-The Testament Of Sister New Devil 🥰(Seasons 1 / 2)
-RE : ZERO -Starting Life In Another World- Season 1 💚
-The Rising Of The Shield Hero 💚
-A Sisters All You Need 🖤
-In Another World With My Smart Phone 🖤
-Restaurant To Another World 😘
-Nakaimo : My Sister Is Among Them! 😘
-The Future Diary 💜
-When SuperNatural Battles Became CommonPlace 🥰
-WorldEnd : What Do You Do At The End Of The World? Are You Busy? Will You Save Us? 😍
-Cautious Hero : The Hero Is OverPowered But Overly Cautious 🥰
-Haganai : I Don’t Have Many Friends 😘(Seasons 1 / 2)
-Shonen Maid 💜
-Is It Wrong To Try And Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? 🖤 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Is It Wrong To Try And Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? Arrow Of The Orion 🖤
-Absolute Duo 😘
-The Devil Is A Part-Timer 🥰
-OutBreak Company 🖤
-Maken-Ki! 😘 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! 💜(Seasons 1 / 2)
-Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! Take On Me! 💚
-Isekai Quartet 🥰 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-OverLord 💜 (Seasons 1 / 2 / 3)
-Domestic Girlfriend 💚
-The Quintessential Quintuplets 🖤
-Riddle Story Of Devil 💜
-How Clumsy You Are, Miss Ueno 😍
-Show By Rock!!💜 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-3D Kanojo : Real Girl 💚 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Himouto! Umartu-Chan 🖤
-Nyan Koi 😍
-Golden Time 💜
-If It’s For My Daughter I’d Even Defeat A Demon Lord 🖤
-Ao-Chan Can’t Study! 😍
-Kakegurui : Compulsive Gambler 🖤 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Kokoro Connect 💜
-Upotte!! 😍
-Cat Planet Cuties 😘
-Saga Of Tanya The Evil 💜
-Heaven’s Memo Pad 💜
-Demon Slayer 💚
-Trinity Seven 🥰
-Lucky Star 💜
-Science Fell In Love So I Tried To Prove It 💜
-Isekai Cheat Magician 🖤
-Problem Children Are Coming From Another World Aren’t They? 😘
-Classroom Of The Elite 😘
-Wise Man’s GrandChild 💜
-KonoSuba : God’s Blessing On This Wonderful World! : Legend Of Crimson! 💚
-Aesthetica Of A Rouge Hero 😍
-Log Horizon 💚 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-The World God Only Knows 🥰 (Seasons 1 / 2 / 3)
-Death March To The Parallel World Rhapsody 💜
-Accel World 😘
-Accel World : Infinite♾Burst 😍
-My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU 😘(Seasons 1 / 2)
-Arifureta : From Commonplace To World's Strongest 💚
-Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash 😍
-Puella Magi Madoka Magica 😛
-Sword Art Online 💚 (Seasons 1 / 2 / Alicization)
-Sword Art Online 2 : Ordinal Scale 🖤
-Sword Art Online : Alternate Gun Gale Online 💜
-Nekopara 🖤
-Toradora! 💚
-Goblin Slayer 🥰
-Magical Senpai 😛
-The Promised NetherLand 🖤
-GATE 🥰 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Asteroid In Love 🥰
-The Ones Within 🥰
-Conception 😍
-Teasing Master Takagi-san 😘 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Blue Exorcist 💚
-Knight’s And Magic 🖤
-Demon Lord, Retry! 🥰
-Demon King Daimao 😘
-Saga Of Tanya The Evil Movie 🖤
-HighSchool Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World 🖤
-Angels Of Death 🥰
-NoraGami Season 1 🖤
-Why The Hell Are You Here, Teacher!? 😍
-The Master Of Ragnarok & Blesser Of Einherjar 🥰
-Blend S 💜
-That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime (ReWatch) 💚
-BOFURI : I Don’t Want To Get Hurt So I’ll Max Out My Defence 💜
-No Game No Life 💚 (ReWatch)
-Charlotte 💚
-Darwin’s Game 🖤 👘
-K-ON! 🥰 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-K-ON! The Movie 🖤
-Dr Stone 🖤 (ReWatch)
-Nichijou : My Ordinary Life 🥰
-New Game!! 💜 (ReWatch)
-Anohana : The Flower We Saw That Day 💚 (Menma.....We Found You)
-Danganronpa : The Animation 🖤 (Despair 😛/ Future 🥰/ Hope😘)
-Assassination Classroom 💚 (ReWatch)
-Beastars 💀 (Ep 8)
-The Seven Deadly Sins 🖤 (Seasons 1 / 2 / 3 / 4)
-Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun 🥰
-My Next Life As A Villainess : All Routes Lead To Doom! 🖤
-The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me? 🖤
-Sword Art Online : Alicization 💚 (ReWatch)
-Death Note 🖤
-Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid 💚 (ReWatch)
-Interviews With Monster Girls 🖤
-The Helpful Fox Senko-San 💜 (Rewatch)
-Eromanga Sensei 🖤
-Hinako Note 🥰
-How Heavy Are The Dumbells You Lift 🖤 (ReWatch)
-Parasyte 🖤
-Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny-Girl Senpai 💜
-Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny-Girl Senpai Movie 🖤
-Love Live! : School Idol Project! 🖤 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Love Live! : School Idol Project! Movie 🥰
-Wotakoi : Love Is Hard For Otaku 💜
-Love Live!! Sunshine!! 🥰 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Love Live!! Sunshine!! Movie : Over The Rainbow 🖤
-Hensuki : Are You Willing To Fall In Love With A Pervert As Long As She’s A Cutie? (ReWatch) 🥰
-Your Name 🖤
-Sword Art Online 3 : Alicization - War Of UnderWorld - 💚
-Nonari No Kyuuketsuki-san / Ms Vampire Who Lives In My Neighbourhood 🖤
-My Teenage Romantic Comedy SNAFU : Climax 🥰
-Uzaki-Chan Wants To Hang Out! 🖤
-Rent-A-Girlfriend! 💜
-A Place Further Than The Universe 💚
-InterSpecies Reviewers 😘
-Monster Monsume No Oishasan / Monster Girl Doctor 🥰
-Food wars! 🖤 (Seasons 4 / 5)
-Hatena Illusion 🥰
-Re : Zero -Starting Life In Another World- Season 2 Part 1 💚
-The Fruit Of Grisaia 🖤 (Seasons 1 / 2)
-Grisaia no Meikyuu 🥰
-Shimoneta : A Boring World Where The Concept Of Dirty Jokes Don’t Exist 🥰
-The Pet-Girl Of Sakurasou 💜
-KissXsis 😘
-Your Lie In April 💜
-Tusundere Children 🖤
-Wandering Witch : The Journey Of Elaina 💜
-Is It Wrong To Try And Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? 🖤 (Season 3)
-TONIKAWA : Fly Me To The Moon 💚
-Iwa Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls! 🥰
-By The Grace Of The Gods 🖤
-Sleepy Princess In The Demon Kings Castle 🖤
-The Day I Became A God 💜
-Warlords Of Sigrdrifa 🥰
-Talentless Nana 💜
-Attack On Titan 💜 (Seasons 1 / 2 / 3) (ReWatch)
 (Year Finished ✅) (Total Anime This Year : 161 Shows) 
—————————————————————— 2021 Anime WatchList
-WataMote : No Matter How I Look At It, It’s You Guy's Fault I’m Unpopular! 😘
-Princess Connect! Re:Dive 🥰
-Somali And The Forest Spirit 💚
-Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear! 🖤
-Assault Lily : BOUQUET 🥰
-Our Last Crusade Or The Rise Of A New World 🖤

Emoji meaning -🥚 Currently Watching -👨🏼‍🦲 Next To Watch -💚 The Absolute Best -💜 Favourites -🖤 Incredible -🥰 Great -😘 Good -😍 Decent -😛 Eh -🤨 Could Be Better -🧐 Bad -😔 Worst -🥶 Postponed -💀 Dropped
Total Of Everything = 239 Total Seasons Watched = 211 Total Anime Movies Watched =16 Total Different Anime’s Watched = 156 Total Different ReWatches = 10 (Up To “Iwa Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls!”)
Total 💚 = 22 Total 💜 = 29 Total 🖤 = 43
submitted by samuel1181s to u/samuel1181s [link] [comments]


The villis over there increase the surface area of ileum massively which helps fast absorption of digested food😂 💯 Official 🗽🏤 Epic 😎 Memers 👍👽 Dank 👌 Meme 🐸 Checklist💯 😂

1 🎄) Does the meme 🐸 have epic 😎 refrences 🐸😘 to cool 😎 memes 🐸 like 💖 Bad 👎 luck 🍀 Brian 👦🏻3️⃣, Deeznuts ✝, and Dat 💦 boi 🍆? If not please 😂 revise your 👈 meme 🐸 to include 📲 this
2)What font is your 👉 meme 😂 using 🏻? Most dank 👌 memers 👽👻💀 prefer 🍞 impact 💰 font, but 🍑 other fonts are fine 🤤👌 ONLY if you 👈 include 📲 at least ❗ one 1️⃣ emoji😂 .
3)How clear 🔎 is your 😡👉 meme 🐸? If your 👉 meme 🐸 is too clear 😋😉 you 👩👈👌 might 💪 want 😍 to consider 🤔 converting it to jpeg and making 🖕 it blurry 💊, the blurriness 💊 enhances 👎➡👍 the epicness 😎👉😂 and makes 🛠 it far 🌌 more funny 👌😂.
4)When including 🙌 emojis 😀 make 💘 sure 👍 to include 💨 the 🅱 emoji 😀 to enhance 👎➡👍 comedic 🎉 impact ☄.
5)Try to be as edgy 💉🔫⚔ as possible 🤔, even 🌃 if it makes 🖕 it not sound 👂🏻 like 💖 a joke 😂, everyone 👥 dislikes 💯 minorities 👶 anyways 🔛.
6)4chan is really 💯 cool 😎, the more meme 🐸 arrows 🏹 and 4chan 🍀 lingo 📖 you 👈 use 🏻, the more funny 😂💦 the meme 🐸 so make 🖕 sure 👍🏻 to use 🏻 plenty 👍 of ">"!!
7)Make sure 👍 to let 👬👫 others 👪 know 💭 you 👉 are a gamer 🕹 just like 😄 them, gamer 🐁🎮 humor 😒 is the most funny 😂 so make 💘 sure 👍 to include 📲 refrences 🐸😘 to games 🎮 to let 👫🏼 others 👪 know 🤔🌊😏 how nerdy 🤓😡 and epic 😎 you 👈 are I.e-"it's dangerous 🔪 to go 🏃 alone 👤 take 👊 this!"
9)I bet 👍👌🤙🏽 you 👈 didn't realize 💡 I 👁 skipped 🏃🏼 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD😂 😂
10)Make sure 👍🤘 to call 📲 anyone 🙋 who dislikes 😒👎 your 👉 memes 🐸🐕🐧 "normies 🚽" as they obviously 🙄 have no 🚫❌ sense 💰 of humor 😒 and hate 😡🐓 fun 😃💉😀, quotes 🖖 like 👍 "I 👁 bet 👍 you 👈 are fun 😃 at parties 🎉" really 💯 establish 🔍 dominance 😬😩💑 in the comedic 😆 world 🌎 so say 💬😤 that!
11 😼👌💥) If you 👈 follow 👣 all 💯 the above 🆙 steps 👞 you 👈 should have yourself an EPIC 🔥💯 meme 😂👌, make 💘 sure 💯 to post 📩📝💬 it on 🔛 quality 👌 sites 💻🚫 like 👍🙄 9gag 🈶, ifunny, and on 🔛 subreddits 🤖 like 😄 funny 💰🚨 on 🔛 reddit 👽!You 👈 useless 👎 piece 🧩 of shit 💩. You 👈 absolute 🙀 waste 🗑 of space 🌌😫😖 and air 💨. You 👈 uneducated 📚❌, ignorant 😷, idiotic 😜 dumb 👅 swine 🐽😂, you’re an absolute 😤 embarrassment 😏 to humanity 👤 and all 💯 life 💓 as a whole 💦😍. The magnitude 🔍🔎 of your 👉 failure 🚫 just now is so indescribably 🛂🔫🚴🏽 massive 🌐 that one 1️⃣ hundred 💯 years 🎉🗓 into the future 📡 your 👉 name 📛 will be used 🎶 as moniker of evil 😈 for heretics 😠😡. Even 🌃 if all 💯 of humanity 👤 put 😏 together 👫👷🏿 their collective 🏭💪 intelligence 🤓 there is no 🙅 conceivable way ↕ they could have thought 🤔 up ⬆ a way ↕ to fuck 🖕 up ☝ on 🔛 the unimaginable scale ⚖ you 👈 just did. When ⏰ Jesus 🙏 died ☠ for our sins 😡😈, he 👨🏾 must 🔒 not have seen 👀 the sacrilegious act 😏 we just witnessed 👁👀👅 you 👈 performing 🅱, because if he 👨 did he 👨 would have forsaken 💀💔 humanity 🤦👦😤 long 🍆 ago 😅 so that your 👉 birth 👑 may 🗓 have never 🚫 become 😌 reality 💯🔊. After 👀 you 👈🤡 die 💀, your 👉 skeleton 💀 will be displayed 📺 in a museum 🎨 after 👀 being scientifically 🔬 researched 🔎✨ so that all 💯 future 🔜📅 generations 😎👌🏾💯 may 🗓 learn 🎓💭📗 not to generate 👌🏻😂 your 👈🏼 bone 💀 structure 🕋, because every 💯 tiny 👌 detail 🇩🇪🐊🐉 anyone 🙋 may 🗓 have in common 🐩 with you 👆♂👈 degrades 😭👌 them to a useless 🚫 piece 🧩 of trash ♻ and a burden ⛓ to society 😼👌💥. No 🚫🙅 wonder 🍎 your 👉 father 👨 questioned 🤔❓🧐 whether 🌩🌧 or not your 👉 were truly 💯 his 💦 son 🌞💇🏾, for you'd have to not be a waste 🗑 of carbon ⚗ matter 🙅 for anyone 🙋 to love 😍 you 👈 like 👍👌😍 a family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 member 🎫🍆. Your 👉 birth 👶🏿 made 👑 it so that mankind 👱‍♂️ is worse 📉 of in every 💯 way 💫 you 👈 can possibly 💯 imagine 🤔, and you 👉🙋🏼‍♂️ have made 👉 it so that society 🤵👥🌃 can never 🙅 really 💯 recover 😘 into a state 👌 of organization ✊. Everything 💯 has forever 🕐🕔🕤 fallen 😂 into a bewildering chaos 🌋, through which unrecognizable core 🍎, you 👈🏼 can only find 🔍 misfortune 👲. I 👁 would say 💬 the apocalypse 🍄 is upon 😽🙀 us 🇺🇸 but 🍑 this is merely 🏫 the closest 👬👭👫 word 📝 humans 👤 have for the sheer 😁 scale 🍆 of horror 😱😳 that is now reality 😍. You 👈 have forever 🕐🕔🕤 condemned 👿 everyone 👥 you 👉👨👩🏽 love 💢😍 and know 🤔💲🐫 into an eternal 💫 state 👌 of suffering 😭, worse 😫 than any human 👤 concept 🍑 of hell 😈🔥. You 👈 are such an unholy 😈 being, that if you 👈 step 👞 within 👌5⃣ a one ☝ hundred 💯 foot 🦶🏼 radius 😭 of a holy ✝ place 🏆 or a place 🏆 that has ever 😠 been deemed ☪👋 important ❌ by anyone 🙋, your 👉 distorted 😜 sac religious 🙏 soul 👻 will ruin 💣🧨 whatever 🤷‍♀️ meaning 👀😏 it ever 😠 had beyond 👆 repair 🔧🛠. You ❓👉 are an idiotic 😜, shiteating, dumbass 😒 ape 🦍 and no 🚫 one 😄☝ has ever 😠 loved 😊❤ you 👉. Rhodes Island 🏝 would have been better 👍 off 📴 if you'd never 🙅 joined 🈴 us 🇺🇸. You 👉 are a lying 😤, backstabbing, cowardly 🐄 useless 🚫 piece 🍗 of shit 💩 and I 👁 hate 😡 you 👈 with every 💯 single 🏻 part 🍆 of my being. Even 🌃 this worlds 🌎 finest 🤩 writers ✍ and poets 📙😩💦 from throughout 😎💦 the ages 👵 could never ❌🔚 hope 🙏🏿📿 to accurately ☑ describe 👇🙌 the scale ⚖ on 🔛 which you 👉 just fucked 😩 up ☝, and how incredibly 💩 idiotic 😜 you 👈 are. Anyone 🙋 that believes 🌈 in any religion ✝ out there should now realize 💡 that they have been wrong ❌ this entire 🇺🇸 time 🕛🕜🕐, for if divine 👼 beings 🐝 were real 💯, they would never 🚫 have allowed 😖 a being such as you 💯👉 to stain 💩💦 the earth 🌏 and this universe 😱🌌🙌. In the future 📅 there will be horror 😱 stories 📖 made 👉 about 💦 you 👈, with the scariest 👾😱 part 🍆 of them being that the reader 📖 has to realize 🤔😮😧 that such an indescribable 🛂🔫🚴🏽 monster 👹 actually 😨😳 exists 😂👌, and that the horrific 💀 events 🎫 from the movie 🎥 have actually 😳 taken 💅 place 🏆 in the same world 🌎 that they live 🐙 in right ✔ now. You 👉 are the absolute 🙀 embodiment 😍 of everything 💯 that has ever 😠 been wrong 👎 on 🔛 this earth 🌍, yet 👇👀 you 👈🏼 manage 👨‍💼 to make 🖕 it so that that is only a small 😂👌 part 〽 of the evil 👿 that is your 👉 being. Never ❌ in the history 🚫 of mankind 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 has there been anyone 🙋 that could have predicted 💩 such an eldrich abomination 😤🥵, but 🍑 here you 👈 are. It’s hard 🍆 to believe 🙏 that I 👥 am seeing 👀😝 such an incredible 😯‼❗ failure 🚫 with my own eyes 👀, but 🍑 here I 👁 am, so unfortunately 😯 I 👁 cannot 🚫 deny 🚫 your 👉 existence 😂👌. Even 🌃 if I 👥 did my very 📈✅ best 👌🏼😜, my vocabulary 😫💦 is not able 👉 to describe 👇🙌 the sheer 😁 magnitude 🤯 of the idiotic 💢 mistake 😑 that is you 👈🏾.How I use my iPhone📲 65% To use Twitter🐦 15% To text📩 10% To take photos😁 8% To check the time🕓 2% To actually place a call☎
you guys have i phone🏿🏿🏿🏿🏿🏿🏿🏿 🏿🏿🏿🏿🏿🏿🏿🏿 🏿🏿🏽🏽🏽🏽🏿🏿 🏽🏽🏽🏽🏽🏽🏽🏽 🏽⬜⬛🏽🏽⬛⬜🏽 🏽🏽🏽🏿🏿🏽🏽🏽 🏽🏽🏿🏽🏽🏿🏽🏽 🏽🏽🏿🏿🏿🏿🏽🏽
submitted by ProAssassin2810 to emojipasta [link] [comments]

My (F25) boyfriend (M28) won't let this girl go

Hi everyone, I actually decided to ask for your advice, because I couldn't get an appointment with my therapist due to Covid-19 and I'm actually going crazy because of overthinking this.
Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years and 8 months now. He had a girl friend (which now is 24) that I will call Anne through the rest of the story. They were a group of friends actually and I met all 4 boys of the group in our first week of dating progress, but the girls never were around, although Anne was also working with him. Everything was OK, I mean after some times, I would like to meet his girl friends too, but I wasn't obsessed about it or something, I actually never thought about it, or the reason that I haven't met them. But through all this time, we had some problems that his relationship with Anne caused them:
  1. We were on our third-ish month of our relationship that one morning I woke up next to him, I opened my eyes and saw his phone screen, realized that he was chatting with Anne and there were some messages like "I love you" and heart and kisses emojies. I got a bad feeling about those messages and I asked him what's going on? He started to explaining that they're just friends and there is nothing between them, and asked me if I never send one of my opposite sex friends such things. Although I did have a bad feeling about it, but he seemed reasonable. Later that day I started talking to him, and I told him that I get a vibe from these messages that Anne has feelings for you, and maybe you should consider not to showing her green lights like this if you're not interested, he was on board and finally we moved on.
  2. It was like 5 months later, one night I was at my home, he texted me that "We're going out with the guys for X's birthday, I may not notice my phone, don't get worried if I didn't answer it." I replied "Have a good time" while thinking why wasn't I invited? Because X was one of the guys of the same friendship group I mentioned earlier and through those 8 months that I was involved with them we had become pretty close. The next day we had a date night, we went to dinner and after that we went to his house, I asked him "How come X didn't invite me for his birthday party?" He answered "It wasn't a party, we went to dinner and had a couple of drinks and it was it, and he didn't want you to come because you would've been the only girl, and you would've been bored". I knew he was lying because I had seen X's date's Instagram photo of that night, but I don't know why, I didn't mention it, and we went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of night and I took his phone that was on the nightstand next to me (I know it wasn't a good thing to do), I opened his chat with Anne, and one of last messages was "I wish your arms were around me, like last night". I was frustrated, I was thinking OK, It's over. Before anything I texted one of the guys of the group, which I knew that he's so close to Anne, luckily he wasn't asleep and answered right away. I asked "What is going on between these two? Were they together? Are they together?" He answered "No they aren't, and they never were, and we don't know why, they were always like this" and never explained what he meant by "this". In the morning when he woke up, we had this big fight, he said he was sorry and didn't know why he did that. I left his apartment and went to walk, his mother (which I am very close to, and is a very kind and perfect woman) called and asked me to go to her place and she said that my boyfriend is there and he wants to talk. Out of respect for his mother I went, he again said that he is sorry and he doesn't want to lose me and ... . I told him that I can't continue like this, and I don't want him to be friends with her anymore, he said he can't fire her from the company just now, due to their financial circumstances, but from now on, their talks would only been work related. Again, I accepted and we moved on.
  3. Every thing was great for like 15 months after that. But one night, I had some friends over at my home for dinner and obviously my boyfriend was supposed to be there, he was really late so I called him to see what took him so long, he rejected my call and texted that "Things are crazy at work, I will be there in an hour". It was perfectly understandable but I got a bad feeling about it. He came, we eat and after my friends left we went to sleep, I couldn't sleep because of that exact bad feeling, I went out of my room and smoked a cigarette and was playing with my phone until I noticed his phone on the coffee table. I picked it up and opened his messages, there it was, the bad feeling:
Anne: "Tell me when you arrive." Him: "I arrived. 😘" Anne: "[some sort of joke about arriving in our language] 😘" Him: "😅😘"
I woke him up after an hour of thinking and told him that everything is over and get out of my apartment. We both cried, he was saying that he's sorry and he don't know why he does this, but I didn't want to see him anymore, so he left. During next couple of days he was calling and texting but I didn't answer. Until one night he texted my roommate and he said that he wants to explain and asked her to get me to talk to him. I actually was curious about his explanation, because he had proved that he loved me, and our relationship was very great and I loved him so much, so I went. He started talking about it and he said "Anne loves me so much that she is willing to do anything, anything that I tell her to do, and I like this feeling, it kinda gives me the feeling of power and I was abusing her, and she knows it too. I'm sick and now I know it, I will work on it and I promise it will be over. I said I need to think and after a couple of days I told him that he needs to seek professional help, he said it's true and he will do it, but he can't do it without me. One again, I accepted and we moved on. P.S: he never went to a therapy. :)
Every thing was OK since then with us, but the last couple of months I've been kinda depressed and everything with my work blew up and my relationship with my family went crazy... Until a month ago, after Covid-19, and quarantine, he said I shouldn't stay home alone due to my conditions and said he wants me to stay at his apartment. So I did. About 10 days ago, he started acting suspicious, like he was sitting next to me and chatting with someone, suddenly he changed his spot and continued chatting. And every time I asked him what he was doing he was visibly lying. Until about a week ago, I went out to grocery shopping and when I came back he was taking a bath, his phone was on coffee table, so I took it and his last message was from Anne. It was unseen so I didn't open the chat to read other messages, but obviously they're talking again (if not still).
I really love him, and I know he does too, and I really don't want to lose our relationship. But I can't keep going like this anymore... I haven't mentioned that I know about it yet, because I'm not sure what I wanna do.
So, any advice? Any similar situations? Do you think it's over? Or am I overreacting?
TL:DR - My boyfriend has a girl friend that once cheated on me with her, and he's supposed to not have a relationship with her after that, but I realized that he has.
submitted by afzoun to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

I [25F] trust my boyfriend [27M] but I don't trust his flirty friend. [27F]

*My boyfriend [27M] and I [25F] have been together for just over a year. I am his first ever long-term relationship (over 6 months) and I've had a few, few year long relationships and short terms in between. *
Quick Summary: my boyfriend has a woman friend who I'm not 100% sure I trust and I wanted to get some insight on if my feelings are warranted and possibly advice on how to handle this. He's never given me any reason to doubt him, he's the sweetest, most considerate man I've ever been with. I don't doubt him but I doubt her.
Let's call his friend Lucy. Lucy used to date his best friend, but they split around Xmas because he was going travelling for 6 months. To my knowledge it was an amicable split and they're on great terms. Lucy frequents a lot of the same art spaces my boyfriend does so they run into each other often. I would say it wasn't until the beginning of February that they started actually hanging outside of the spaces. My boyfriend never talks about Lucy. I had no idea they were good friends until maybe a month ago when he started bringing her up more in conversation.
When he introduced me to Lucy a few weeks ago, we hit it off. I thought she was really lovely and absolutely hilarious. I ended up adding her on Insta after the short hangout. I also sent her a message a week later because she was looking for show recommendations. I noticed she didn't add me back, but she read my message and never responded. Didn't think anything of it.
My boyfriend and I spent the weekend together with his family. I saw a text notif from Lucy with the text preview visible, she sent just the winking blowing kiss emoji 😘. I was impulsive and decided to click the notif. Just to preface, he's openly given me his password but I've never felt the need to check. The conversation was about hanging out later in the week and she asked if she could grab a lift, he said sure and that's when she responded with the emoji.
I'm a tomboy and have always had mostly guy friends. I spend a lot of time with my dudes and I'm super cool with him being friends with whoever he wants. But that response made me uncomfortable. Upon further inspection when I scrolled up I saw she responded with the winking blowing kiss emoji in other conversations with him. He didn't respond to her emojis or flirtiness, just ignored it. From what I glanced the talks were friendly (nothing really flirty on his end), mostly talking about working out and art. They seem to talk pretty often and hangout weekly (they go to the gym, and grab lunch sometimes.)
I'll say that that was the first and only time I've ever checked his phone and I don't plan on doing it again. Just because I saw the text preview doesn't mean I can invade his privacy. I feel very bad about it and will just ask him about any questions I have in the future. I should have just pulled him aside and spoken about it at an appropriate time.
Overall thoughts:
My boyfriend and I have a great relationship. We have trips planned this summer, we've spent time with both our families, we support each other as much as we can. And my boyfriend recently asked me if we wanted to move in together! We both don't have any urgency to move but he said he'd love to see me more and progress our relationship. I love him dearly.
Am I being unreasonable with my discomfort?
If she is crossing a line how do I approach him about boundaries?
I'm not planning on pursuing this immediately, I was thinking of arranging a big group hang soon (inviting all our friends and Lucy) just so I can spend some more time her and possibly see how she acts around him. Thanks folks!
tl;dr: Boyfriend has a flirty woman friend who he's been spending more time with, when/how should I establish boundaries?
submitted by oceanicity to relationships [link] [comments]

Taking things slow?

I recently started talking to this girl from the medical school program we’re both in. I’m good friends with her friends and we all get along well. She got out of a relationship a few months back but said she really likes me. I slept over her place a couple times and we cuddled for several hours and kissed etc. We didn’t “get it on” though as i think that could change the dynamic a bit. She is very touchy/feely with me and picked a few romantic movies to watch which we did. We’ve both discussed previous relationships and we text pretty much all day, every day. She sends me “😘” emoji often and when in class, she’ll come to work on stuff with me. I can tell she really likes me and I really like her but her best friend said to take things slow due to the past relationship. I’m kinda bad at establishing relationships and don’t wanna mess it up so what exactly does “taking it slow” mean? Like wait a while before asking to be exclusive or just not have sex right away? She sometimes brings up how other guys would try to ask her out but that she was hanging with me and how lucky I was. I’m a fairly anxious person and I don’t warm up to many people but things just flow so well with her. Apologies for rambling but thank you for any advice!
submitted by Waitwhat432 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

A year of shitposting

Since I'll stop funposting, I made a selection of my favorite posts.

#0 /ComedyCemetery — It's funny because sex


My first downvotes beyond a few points, completely by mistake. I used to post in much smaller and internet-savy communities in which people were easily able to detect irony and humor, which on reddit would get interpreted as a cringy way of posting. That's what happened here. I was surprised by how the hivemind on reddit worked, so I thought to learn more about it and have fun with it.


Before criticizing it, you have to know that there's a whole fanbase that ships those two and for good reasons. Or rather half of them are good, the other ones are basically "cuz' it's cute/hot". Which isn't too invalid either since appropriation of cultural products are common place, and if you've read major works in literature you should know what I mean, it's basically fanfics of fanfics all the way down. I should add shipping is fun because it uses the basic tension at the heart of any romance, that is, trying to fit together two characters that have some potential chemistry but also face obstacles because of external factors or individual traits, and Elsa/Anna fits this bill.
Anyway, I digress, the good reasons are that, perhaps by coincidence, Elsa's story can very easily be read as a symbolic story of a coming out. Sure if you aren't used to lesbian media this might seem like over-analyzing, but if you don't want to go down that rabbit hole, just trust me: Frozen in many aspects just looks like it's heavily loaded with subtext. Could be a huge coincidence. But still, it's no wonder a fanbase formed around shipping Anna and Elsa and there was a little while ago people to ask Disney to officially make Elsa a lesbian.
So now, this picture. I could have been good, as it trivializes as much as possible that whole shipping business, almost ironically even. Problem is, it seems to buildup to a punchline, like a really good one, but then instead abruptly ends in the most unimpressive way.
Conflict of interest disclosure: I hold no share in the Elsa/Anna fanbase, I'm just a exterior observer who tried to understand what the heck was going on with all those pictures shipping two girls from a recent Disney movie.

#1 /SubRedditDrama — "Response from Twitch" to Yandere Simulator Dev. Popcorn so sweet it can kill

Oh damn, I never thought I'd hear about him again, I know that guy! It was a while ago, I was posting on a now defunct anime RP forum, it had a really great vip section where we could let our imagination actually run wild. See, most RPs fora are pretty restricted in what they allow even just to stay on a certain theme, but there it was a mix of everything crazy, but we could make subcommunities which they called "villages" much like reddit so it kinda sorted itself out. I made a yuri village there because other forums had banned me for ridiculous reasons, and it turned out great, this guy helped me understand how stuff worked there and participated regularity (it's just RP, doesn't matter who you actually are), and I could finally RP with more interesting stuff such as sadism or nonconventional relationships, like, I discovered that some people are shunned because they are supposedly in "abusive" relationships but when you talk to them you realize that's just what they want and they're happy like that, or how some other people are attracted to children and they're not that horrible I mean why discriminate based on age, I also felt attraction to younger girls sometimes and I'm not crazy nor violent it was only really once I squished that bird to death I was young okay I was discovering the world and I taught me how death looked like which we tend to forget in today's oversheltered society we are afraid of the big bad pedophile, the rapist, abusive husbands/wives but it's just fear of the Other, we shame pedophiles or so-called abusive relationships like we once shamed black people so shut the fuck up and stop talking to me through electromagnetic waves about what I do all the time it's wearing me out and that's what made me violent in the past 'kay my cat told me you just relay the devil's messages and it's always given me good advice.
Anyway we really connected and we created incredible stories you'd never read in today's books we dreamed of a freer society were we could be free to experiment at whatever age with our bodies violently or not, and we both new death was just a step in the life of our inner mind, so we were cool about writing about how love and death are like opposite but complementary forces in the universe, we wrote 1M+ words I think. We tried to make people we knew understand and discover this world we were discovering, like other people did in the past but we were rejected and we agreed to meet to discuss how to improve our strategy but he wanted more I told him I didn't like guys romantically but he didn't cared and came with his scalpel he used on him to feel closer to the universe's fundamental principles to try to make me understand even though I told him I wasn't ready for that yet he insisted and thought it was a good idea to teach me his most radical take on pain and tried to slip the scalpel in my pants so I could feel its edge deep inside me but I managed to free myself before he went further than the inner labia and when I woke up from my black out there was blood everywhere and he was lying on the ground so I got the fuck out of there mostly unharmed and got home and finished writing my slash fanfic about Sailor Moon and her mother.
Ha, this thread really takes me back! My teenage years were a wild ride.

#2 /CringePics — What does your mind's eye see now?


An exercise in automatic writing as per the first Manifesto of Surrealism.


Hi I'm Veronica and I worked at a glory hole for 1 year to pay my for my chicken nuggets and two macbooks, and I can tell you I know a lot about people who suck. It was my job to screen participants, I've learned how they look. They look like levitating vegetables — potatoes, salad, beans, tomatoes — with weird excrescences and old scars from birds pecking them; they had their brains stolen by the giant plant they were now attached to and dependent upon. As they said "hi Veronica, how are you today?" I couldn't help but shiver, they thought I was pro, I was actually afraid it'd happen to me. I noticed my friends had started looking a little like them, they brain connected to the plant by an almost invisible branch. They say it doesn't exist, but when I try to remove it they get aggressive and say I don't understand and should let them be free.
But they aren't. I routinely look in the mirror to find anything weird, but so far I haven't noticed anything vegetable-like on me. I've noticed children miss this branch in their head. Maybe that means I'm too immature, like my friends say? Yet, I've seen at the glory hole how dangerous the Plant could be: people who sucked and got sucked were sucked into a factory-like process, and the more they went back for more the more they were like the others. Those with the wrong excrescences weren't taylorized, but they Plant still tighten its grip on them until they were vegetables too, albeit weirdly shaped ones. Not to much this, more of that, but no one could actually reach the perfect vegetable form, they were still humans at heart, I could see it beating although they pretended they didn't need one.
This morning I looked into the mirror and saw an abnormal strand of hair. Is that it? Am I going to be like them too? Just after I finally bought some happiness by going to the hair-dresser and got my nails done like my friends advised me — I looked down, but in reality I'm deadly afraid of that Plant, it's eating their lives only to excrete babies and income inequalities. I wonder what my new boyfriend — my first! — would think of that, I don't want to show him i'm also fallen, dirty human.

#3 /funny — He is the One


I tried to streamline #1 and make it so that it can actually get downvoted (-225).


that's real funny, really fitting for /funny I guess, but you might never now who is reading what you post and what impact in can have on them. Though this one time you'll know: I left my dad's house when I was 15 because I felt his teaching of Wicca wouldnt lead me anywere anymore and I had hidden from my parents for too long who I truly was, as I always made sure to dispose properly of the animals I killed. After wandering in the rural west of the US for weeks (I hitchhiked and found a really nice group of friends who took me without asking questions), I finally found someone who could immediatly see my hidden side and took me as his student in his woods (in retrospect I don't think they were his). In Wicca we don't really deal with darker natural forces, only how to repel them, and I knew I was basically made to ignore what I truly where and this guy taught me that whatever path in life I choose I couldn't progress without giving in at least once to my demonic heritage. Everything went back to me, how at 7 I enjoyed putting a needle through that bird's head, or how me and 19560 — my astral pet cat I found at 10 — laughed when threw red hot iron balls at squirrels, and boy, I actually loved it. The day after he taught me his sex offender and child predator tricks, that asshole pretended he could show me a neat ritual for chanelling sexual energy into spells for greater efficiency, told me to close my eyes and pretended what I'd feel on my cheeks would be a side effect of using more energy than usual but LIKE FUCK DAMN it was his fucking DICK. Long story short, my demonic side took over and he certainly won't have any children. I still learned a lot, got to know myself a lot better and choose the path of love and justice, but that's still a traumatic experience that reminds me of how enjoyable it was to inflict pain to living things, and I don't like that that's no twhat i want i choose another path.
Anyway, be careful about what you say, it can be hurtful and dangerous.

#4 /cringepics — Ladies, get in line


An exercise in cringe.


No we don't and it's mean to scare ppl for NO reason but personally, although I admit it might sound a bit naive to redditors , its not really constructive to publicly tear down ppl like that someone could find that post here ( reddit isn't exactly unknown and what we say here has consequences in the real word ) and it could hurt his friends or family to see him criticized like that . I agree he's doing something bad but wouldn't it be better to talk with him first in private and actually change his mind instead of posting and mocking people? hates brings more hate to the world and makes it an unbearable place and then hurt ppl will seek protection to the first person who appears to care for them even if their a potential dictator (i dont want to say those who voted for him are stupid but its clear they were manipulated and they wont get any advantages out of the situation and everyone else is scared)
Just some thoughts I wanted to write, sowwy for the length guys you can get back to reading more funny comments 😉

#5 /Unexpected — From cute anime girl to kim Jong Un


Same, but posted in a stupid spot so it got 0 attention.


This is sad that couldn't ,see her like I do 🤔 I find her cute either way 😘, or even more when she's authentic. I do think with all my ❤️ that we can get , to see people's appearance as attractive as if it set its own standards of beauty. I don't know if u see what I mean? It's like ,you don't judge art with a restricted, immobile ,set of criteria , each piece defines its own world and standards 😋. sum ppl weren't happy about impressionists in painting or serialists in music because it wasn't supposedly "art" but it turns out if your listen/look carefully ,,you can appreciate those and learn something. I hope I'm not being too patronizing 😓 sorry if it looks like it but i have something really important to say and I think it could make everyone's life better, so please read until the end! Okay, so, maybe its because Im a lesbiun👩‍❤️‍👩,,and I don't mean that in a antagonizing way we can all get along okay 😇 i think i have an interesting perspective for men here (I assume you are excuse me if im wrong but most readers are ] Anyway all I wanted to say is that i found that most women who 💕 women are more able 2 appreciate unconventional beauty and mainstream standards of beauty r clearly too restrictive and hurtful ; you know there'll always be beautiful women on one side, and the ugly one on the other side of the continuum and a large chunk of the population will feel hurt even if a little every day .But if we tried to put the effort into seeing people appearance standing as their own standard well i think we can all be happier, both when we are judged for our look and when we are judging cauz' will find more people attractive💕💕
edit: hehe hopes it wasnt too long 😆😅 sowy

#6 /cringepics — Ladies, get in line


In reply to a reply to #4.


My aunt confiscated my cousin's computer and wanted to give it to me... Well, I don't want to be uselessly spiteful, but I think their family is dysfunctional and my cousin has a serious problem and needs a psychologist's help , I saw him catching feral cats and huh god this is horirblie to tepy i think he dissects them for fun 🤢 pretending it's for teaching ugh... anyway, it may sound idealistic but I want to repair his mistakes even on the internet so even if that's not really ethical to use someones info and i'm not really good with computers anyway i had a friend check it because i know he programs and maybe put some security on it log keystrokes or self-destruct the battery pack i dunno he told me it seems fine its a "dabian linix" he said i think anyway sowwy it's too long but hey not everyone is out there to get you 😃 dont end up like my cousin pls

#7 /anime — [Spoilers] Alice to Zouroku - Episode 3 discussion

I live in the south and there's no lesb dating scene, the only females I see are the old laddies blabbering about Jesus, my dad's cows, my sister and the kids at school. Anime has been my only comfort and honestly I've ended up being a huge weeb, but I've been afraid recently of my sexual frustration and this kind of stuff doesn't help, I want to feel a young girl's soft cheeks on my inner tights, her breath on my lips... I've had recently the same vivid dream about being a loli a martial arts club with other cute girls and the "training" often devolves into sexual intimacy, but last night I was dreaming I was doing a leg lock on my dream-waifu, and it was unusual she had a lot more trouble breathing, but as I woke up I saw I forgot I was actually sleeping with my sister and I've been basically facefucking her. Breakfast was awkward but maybe she wasn't hungry because she ate too much pussy but anyway long story short my parents confiscated my yuru yuri nendoroids. So yeah, I think Alice to Zouroku is awful and a bad influence on young people's minds.

#8 /gaming — To this day, this is still my favorite Super Mario t-shirt









#9 /pics — Korean crow tit. Looks like a snowball

hihihi i get that a lot from my girlfriend, she's awesome and cute and has a soft flat chest, but she feels bad about it so I sent her this picture I'm not sure she understood it, but yeah basically she loves softly rising my round birds, maybe she's jealous? or she's trying to not get bored of her own body, she doesn't like it it's like noise she says. She reminds me of a loli, i haven't told her but i watched a lot of perverted anime back in the days when birds when singing in my mind, but nowadays she infected me with her fog and now the birds are gone and i feel bad for everything even my love for very young girls although it was pure and never translated to breaking their bodies made of glass. maybe i should buy cat ears and try to communicate with our cat to get a better point of view instead of going on reddit
Edit: I love cats they're like little girls

#10 /pics — Kids today...

You people should really stop making fun of legitimate issues, 11203 women are raped each day in alaska and yes this is clearly a war on women, I don't know how else you'd call that. Or are you in denial like the Japanese, who, I remind you, routinely consume pedophilic media and fetishize submissive behavior disguised as cuteness. Those people are really disgusting to be frankly tbh, I don't know why we still consider them as part of the developed world, they don't even understand christmas' meaning they think it's KFC day. I bet you're also a racist fuck like the Japanese and routinely post on alt-right boards.
Anyway, happy Christmas to all women around the world!
Edit: I see the Japanese Cabal of reddit has decided to downvote me en masse; too bad it only proves my point.

#11 /AskWomen — Attractive women with ugly friends, how does your ugly friend get treated different?

this might sound weird but you should try gettin into the 💗👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💗 lesbian 💗👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💗 community we don't behave like that, and I know many str8 women aren't actually str8 they're just a bit slow

#12 /ColorizedHistory — U.S. Army military policemen toasting bread over molten lava from Vesuvius - March 18, 1944

sorry but ur imagination sucks u imagine trivial discussions while me and my friends are on slack creating complex universes and roleplaying in them
adults are dull I hope I never become like that 😱

#13 /gaming — I beat Pikmin 3 without losing a single Pikmin!

Yeah, I loved it too, in fact I was a fan and collected merchandise my parents and friends thought i was going through a phase a regression into childhood while actually I was repressing my sexual urges and as strange as it sounds I fantasized about pikmins, like they'd crawl all over me and inside my vagina, how I'd have a preferred one i'd carry in my panties throughout the day, found that idea really hot so when I got my first figurine I tried shoving it in, and long story short having to go to a gynecologist for the subsequent infection made me stop my descent into madness

#14 /pics — Our dog was hit by a car and left for dead for hours. He's now laying with his boy after getting a cast on his broken leg.


You need to know a little bit of analytical metaphysics to get this one. It was in reply to a reply to this other post:
ur right about bisexual girls of my age they're must not be really celver not to understand boys will only bring them problems


Ever since I've read On the Plurality of Worlds I've had wet dreams about finding an accessibility relation so that I could have sex with a counterpart of myself.

#15 /teenagers — My mom just looked at a coat that was 50% off.

oh my god r u 76yo why r u on dis sub
mmh ok ill explain XD
nowadays teenagers are on snapshat alot and our bodies are more than ever the substratum of the intentional force in our speech acts
interacting with ppl on the webs is more involved that it ever was, using text is basically prehistoric
that's why we send nudes alot cuz our body isnt this private shameful thing anymore
i sent a bunch of nudes to my english teacher yesterday cuz she's so cute and we've been messaging back and forth and that's a snapshat streak it means it's get hot as af and thats why there's a flame emoji for streaks
the old social conventions are destroyed
technology is liberating us and sex, race, religion, age are just pointless social constructs we hook up with whoever we want because love is universal
that's waht a snapstreak means
it's the new world

#16 /cringepics — Girl wants beat up, guys agree

ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ well okay it's fun to make fun of ppl like that but we tend to froget those pppl while they may look liek the typical privileged white male are actualy a dominated segmant of their in group and yeah their bound to say stupid things to get ppppl to like them and gain status in they're in group but their pppppl like us too they got feelings too (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ I dont see the point have shaming them like you do on this board and I say that as a lesbian so I know what it is to be mocked for what you are

#17 /todayilearned — TIL that the famous female pirates Mary Read and Anne Bonny discovered each others' real genders (they were disguising themselves as men) when Bonny told Read that she was attracted to her, causing Read to reveal herself as a female as well

that reminds me of when I was playing disgaea (edit: the prinnies always use "dood", for "dude", when they talk) and couldn't further the story because once Flonne, the angel, showed up, I spent most of my time imagining taking her on a date, telling her I love her and shoving her face into my flower and feel her little wings softly rub on tights while I stroke her hair... teehee sowwy went back to those days for a few seconds there *looks around her* I hope my current anime girlfriend doesn't see this messages :$

#18 /FashionReps — THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT net neutrality will effect us and there voting week the government could block this community or charge us for viewing it would be great to call this number to try to stop. If this is not allowed sorry but this could strongly effect my rep fam

If people weren't bogged down by rationalism, this wouldn't be a problem. Net neutrality is about material things, but ideas and emotions are free; we can communicate them through words, but as many experiences have shown over and over, our minds extends further than our body. Open minded people can communicate directly, and it even happens sometimes without any training when two people love each other deeply. Because of hate and materialism, we think we need the internet to communicate without obstacles, but if you opened your mind your inner magic could flow freely and meld with the Earth's mana network and you could join us in the real noosphere.

#19 /ImGoingToHellForThis — Black on Black crime

as ive been trying to explain to this sub many times 😡 knowing whoseg fault it is isnt that easy
thats bcause of institutionalized racism 👮🏻👉🏻👩🏾 white ppl are part of a social system that advantages them so they dont have to worry about being killed at random by cops
ok its true that as a consequence that makes us more virtuous overall because we have to face greater challenges
(cf kant's definition of virtues 💡)
still as a member of one of the most opresssessed group 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩🏿
it's clear that any white that doesnt take part in the destruction of this system of oppression is morally condemnable
just a little something
to make you think
~ T3hBl4ckDYk3 of D3tr01t
edit: of course the privilegied males on reddit are downvoting me

#20 /DownVoteTrolling — RIP no_turn_unstoned2


Trolling the trolls


Good riddance, you "downvote trolls" are just assholes randomly latching out at people and then pretending you're being clever and funny. You probably all voted Trump, right?
Edit: so I just got back from modding my airsoft gun (an Elite Force H&K G28 FDE, pricy but I can afford it thanks to buying bitcoins years ago, sorry for those who missed the train, but it's a major development of American Capitalism!) with a raspberry pi zero, nodejs and speakers so that it plays CS sound effects when I shoot, and all I see is bad faith and projection from deeply misguided people. I was like that years ago, bitter and sad, but thanks to the help of /nofap and /Christianity I shaved my beard, trimmed my nails, got a job, found a beautiful wife and had 3 beautiful children. Quit wasting your time on getting imaginary negative internet points and being mean to people, accept Jesus and help making America Great Again with love instead of fascism!
submitted by OTkhsiw0LizM to u/OTkhsiw0LizM [link] [comments]

what does this emoji mean 😘 from a guy video

What does each colour of the heart emoji mean? - YouTube WHAT DOES THESE EMOJI MEAN?? - YouTube 5 EMOJIS THAT PROVE A GUY LIKES YOU! (TEXTING SECRETS ... What Does This Emoji Mean? - YouTube The Internet Can’t Figure Out What This New Emoji Means ... What Emojis Really Mean - YouTube How to tell if a guy likes you?(through text) What Emojis Really Mean! - YouTube DOES HE TEXT YOU THIS!? (REVEALING GUY SECRETS) - YouTube Snapchat Emojis: Explained!

They know what they want and they think the bad boys get it faster. So they can say something sweet or something completely outrageous, but they will add this emoji so we know they are the badass kind. 7. The see-no-evil monkey A guy uses this emoticon when he says something and he is not sure whether he should’ve said it to you! This emoji can also mean peace and relaxation. We all know it can be hard for guys to show their true emotions. If he’s using this emoji often, it can mean he is relaxed with you, and is ready to open up. However, you must make sure you don’t push him away in your reply. A lot of girls make this mistake by accident. Flower emoji meanings are plentiful; use these flower emojis for absolutely free when you want to say I love you to that special person... or when you need to make a grovelling apology 🌹 How many times it happens that you don't know emoji meanings and ask "what does this emoji mean?" You don't need to look for emoji meanings as this ultimate list of 100+ emoji meanings lets you know what does this emoji mean. Find Snapchat emoji meanings, WhatsApp emoji meanings, as well as other emojis. 🤦‍♂️ Man Facepalming Emoji Meaning. The Man Facepalming emoji is a ZWJ sequence combining 🤦 Person Facepalming, ‍ Zero Width Joiner and ♂️ Male Sign.These display as a single emoji on supported platforms. Man Facepalming was added to Emoji 4.0 in 2016.. Copy and Paste It seems like most guys don’t throw an emoji on just anything, so what does it mean when they suddenly start adding them? Since we think with our emotions, we assume they are too. We are normally just sure that they are crushing on us. But is that actually the case? Luckily for all of us, I have quite a few guy friends in my life. If you want to know what do all the emojis mean, you are in a right place. Here are all emoji meanings. All emoji pictures here has a text label that explains it's exact meaning to avoid ambiguity and possible confusion when typing and reading messages with emoji symbols and smileys on Facebook, Twitter and messaging applications. The nerd emoji is another facial representation to exhibit cuteness and innocence. The guy does not like to be labeled as the “bad guy,” so they will often use this to play innocent and lovable. A lot of times, guys will use this whenever he is saying “yes” to go somewhere with you. What Does It Mean When A Guy Uses Emojis Emoji Guys Emojis Meanings . I Want Those P S Guys Thank You So Much For Following Me I Have A125 Followers It Doesn T Seem Like A Lot But It Means A Lot To Me And I Lo . Red Hair Man Emoji Red Hair Men Emoji Red Hair Emoji . What does this emoji 😆 mean? It portrays laughter that is hearty and full of excitement. it can also be used to convey a sarcastic strive for positivity in circumstances that are threatening. Seeing the 😆 Grinning Squinting Face clearly shows that you are dealing with a fun situation. And you have to treat it like that.

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What does each colour of the heart emoji mean? - YouTube

DM me on IG :) In todays video I wanted to tell you guys about some things guys will text you if they like you! ... Mom. This one is for you. HEY, you can actually stalk me on the internet: ♡ Twitter: ♡ Instagram 5 EMOJIS THAT PROVE A GUY LIKES YOU! (TEXTING SECRETS) Thanks To Opinion Outpost for sponsoring this video! Opinion Outpost Link - https://www.influencerlink... 'Heart' of the matter: whether its popping out of cartoon characters or beating away in a WhatsApp chat, the heart emoji is unanimously accepted as the langu... The Internet Can’t Figure Out What This New Emoji MeansSubscribe To InformOverload: rolled out their new emojis with iOS 12.1 and ... Please watch: "MUST WATCH:How Hackers Really Crack Your Passwords 2017" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- There is a new study that found that people often have very different interpretations of what emojis mean. This inspired us to conduct our own experiment. We... How to tell if a guy likes you through his text messages 8 signs a guy likes you! - Duration: 7:44. Kev Hick Talks Guys with Girls 560,377 views Confused? Here are all the new smiles explained! Hey guys, welcome to my tech channel! My name is Mahmoud El Mossalami, you can just call me Medo, and I am a Danish Youtuber. Medo Tech was started ... Click here to share this on Facebook: here to Tweet this video: VIDEO EVERY MONDAY & THURSDAY!Bookings & ...

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